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The Cathedral of Palermo

The Cathedral of Palermo was rapidly built between 1184 and 1185 by Gualtiero II, a relative of king William II.
It served, at the same time, as a place of worship, a funeral temple for kings and archbishops, a fortress and as a venue for solemn ceremonies.

The interior spaces were adapted for Latin and Byzantine rituals expressing at the same time the Fātimid culture, which was consistently present in Sicily from the X to the XII century.
Through the centuries, the Cathedral was, along with the Royal Palace, the protagonist of the city’s landscape and seat of important ceremonies.

Its architecture reflected the changes in taste and artistic sensibility underwent during the different epochs.
In the late eighteenth century the Cathedral was subjected to extended demolitions and the interior space was radically changed.

Nevertheless, it remains an extraordinary testament of the artistic climate that gave birth to it.


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Prima tra tutti non poteva mancare, in versione digitale, la famosa guida storico-artistica di Palermo di Giuseppe Bellafiore che con più di 80 immagini tra piante illustrate e disegni a china vi guiderà alla scoperta della storia e dei monumenti di questa antica città.

Arricchiscono il nostro catalogo La zisa di PalermoParchi e Giardini della Palermo normanna e altro ancora sull’arte e sull’architettura a Palermo.


Tra storiche pubblicazioni, testi rari e nuove edizioni, il nostro catalogo propone gli studi e gli scritti sull’arte e l’architettura a Palermo e in Sicilia di Giuseppe Bellafiore, figura di riferimento per accademici, studiosi e appassionati.

La casa editrice Susanna Bellafiore nasce nel 2013 per volontà dell’omonimo architetto, affinché questi testi possano continuare ad essere preziosi strumenti di riferimento e di analisi per chi cerca informazioni approfondite e scientificamente corrette, e per coloro che amano viaggiare informati tra le vestigia del passato.

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Giuseppe Bellafiore

Giuseppe Bellafiore (Santa Ninfa, 1 January 1920- Palermo, 19 July 2012) was an Italian art historian, journalist and essayist. He collaborated with various periodicals such as “Chiarezza”, “Accademia”, “La Regione Siciliana”, “Voce della Sicilia”, “Comunità”, “Giornale di Sicilia”, “L’Ora”, “L’Unità”, “La Repubblica” and numerous of his articles appeared in magazines such as “Sicilia”, “Tutt’Italia”, “Kalos”, “Italia Nostra”, “Palladio”, “Bollettino d’Arte of the Ministry of the Public Instruction”, etc. He wrote various art history monographs, in particular on the Arab and Norman period in Sicily and on the city of Palermo.